Bluebells and why the grass isn't always greener...
Here are a selection of the bluebell shots I took over the last week. It was a real lesson to me in perseverance and remembering that there is always a better photograph. Creativity is about following your own path and not that of others. Instagram creates clones I believe and I am as much to blame for this.
So here are my favourite photos from a really enjoyable week shooting the same woodland 6 times.
Try clicking the images as I have uploaded larger version of some.
I like the triangle of bluebells and the depth the distant patch of bluebells gave in this image.
I feel this image will work very well with some fog. So one for the scouting file.
Sometimes it is good to just have a play around. This was taken with my 70-200mm at f2.8 - just handheld.
I Struggled a little with the balance of this one but eventually decided that just having the same space on the left and RHS worked well. I need to return when the wild garlic is in full bloom.
A shot that I actually preferred unpolarised but I didn’t take one with my big camera. It need a little bit of reflection that I removed from the leaves.
This is actually my favourite image and I didn’t share it in the video. It was taken on the day after completing the video and the light was lovely. It was taken around 7am on an overcast day.
Was was attracted to the ivy on the right hand tree but like the light on the left hand side as well. It needs a little bit of fog and then it would be amazing. Definitely one to return to.
This is the ‘obvious’ shot with bluebells but interesting in this case as it was taken almost 4 hours after sunrise as they were on a steep bank. The sun is actually quite high in the sky. I don’t like the composition though as the trees don’t work and the RHS is messy in the foreground.